Dr. Andrew Groover

Dr. Andrew Groover

Position Title
Professor Emeritus


Research Interests

Developmental biology and evolution of forest trees

My lab studies the developmental biology and evolution of forest trees. We use molecular genetic and genomic tools to identify and characterize genes and mechanisms controlling growth, wood formation, and physiological processes in the model tree genus, Populus.

Grad Group Affiliations

  • Plant Biology

Specialties / Focus

  • Cell and Developmental Biology
  • Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Genomics


  • 1988 BS Forest Science University of Georgia
  • 1991 MS Forest Genetics University of Georgia
  • 1997 PhD Biology University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Selected Publications

Bastiaanse H, Zinkgraf M, Canning C, Tsai H, Lieberman M, Comai L, Henry I, and Groover A. (2019). A comprehensive genomic scan reveals gene dosage balance impacts on quantitative traits in Populus trees. In press Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Du J, Gerttula G, Li Z, Zhao S, Liu Y, Liu Y, Lu M, Groover A. (2019). Brassinosteroid regulation of wood formation in poplar. In press New Phytologist.

Rodriguez-Zaccaro D, and Groover A. (2019). Wood and water: How trees modify wood development to cope with drought. Plants People Planet doi.org/10.1002/ppp3.29.

Tomescu A, and Groover A. (2018). Mosaic modularity: an updated perspective and research agenda for the evolution of vascular cambial growth. New Phytologist. doi.org/10.1111/nph.15640

Zinkgraf M, Gerttula S, Zhao S, Filkov V, Groover A (2018). Transcriptional and temporal response of Populus stems to gravi-stimulation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. doi: 10.1111/jipb.12645

Zinkgraf M, Groover A, and Filkov V (2017). Identifying gene coexpression networks underlying the dynamic regulation of wood-forming tissues in Populus under diverse environmental conditions. New Phytologist doi: 10.1111/nph.14492

Groover A (2017). Age-related changes in tree growth and physiology. eLS DOI:10.1002/9780470015902.a0023924 in press

Zinkgraf M, Gerttula S, Groover A (2017). Transcript profiling of a novel plant meristem, the monocot cambium. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology in press

Zinkgraf M, Haiby K, Lieberman M, Comai L, Henry I, and Groover A (2016). Creation and analysis of irradiation hybrids in Populus. Current Protocols in Plant Biology 1:431-450. 10.1002/cppb.20025

Groover A (2016). Reaction woods and gravitropisms of forest trees. New Phytologist 10.1111/nph.13968

Gerttula S, Zinkgraf M, Muday G, Lewis D, Ibatullin F, Brumer H, Hart F, Mansfield, S, Filkov V, and Groover A (2015). Transcriptional and hormonal regulation of gravitropism of woody stems in Populus. Plant Cell 27: 2800-2813

Henry I, Zinkgraf M, Groover A, Comai L (2015). A system for dosage-based functional genomics in poplar. Plant Cell 27: 2370-2383

Liu L, Ramsey T, Zinkgraf M, Sundell D, Street N, Filkov V, and Groover A (2015). A resource for characterizing genome-wide binding and putative target genes of transcription factors during secondary growth and wood formation in Populus. Plant Journal 82, 887-898

Hussy S, Mizrachi E, Groover A, Berger D, MyburgA (2015). Genome-wide mapping of H3 lysine 4 trimethylation in Eucalyptus grandis developing xylem. BMC Plant Biology 15(Suppl 5):S3 

Kidner C, Groover A, Thomas D, Emelianova K, Soliz-Gamboa C, and Lens F (2015). First steps in studying the origins of secondary woodiness in Begonia (Begoniaceae: combining anatomy, phylogenetics, and stem transcriptomics. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 04/2015: DOI: 10.111/bij.12492

Liu L, Zinkgraf M, Petzold H, Beers E, Filkov V, and Groover A (2015). The Populus ARBORKNOX1 homeobox transcription factor regulates woody growth through binding to evolutionarily conserved target genes of diverse function. New Phytologist 205(2) 682-94

Liu L, Missirian V, Zinkgraf M, Groover A*, and Filkov V* (2014). Evaluation of experimental design and computational parameter choices affecting analyses of ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data in undomesticated poplar trees. BMC Genomics 15(Suppl 5):S3

Liu L, Filkov V, and Groover A (2013). Modeling transcriptional networks regulating secondary growth and wood formation in forest trees. Physiologia Plantarum. DOI: 10.1111/ppl.12113

Groover A, and Cronk Q (2013). From Nehemiah Grew to Genomics: the emerging field of evo-devo research for woody plants. International Journal of Plant Science 174(7), 959-963.

Groover A, and Janssen S (2013). Comparative and evolutionary genomics of forest trees. In Challenges and opportunities for the world’s forests in the 21st century” Fenning (Ed), Springer.

Lucas W, Groover A, Lichtenberger R, Furuta K, Yadav S, Helariutta Y, He X, Fukuda H, Kang J, Brady S, Patrick J, Sperry J, Yoshida A, Lopez-Millan A, Grusak M, and Kachroo P (2013). The plant vascular system: Evolution and functions. J. Int. Plant Biol. 55(4):294-388.

Groover A, and Dosmann M (2012). The important of living botanical collections for plant biology and the “next generation” of evo-devo research. Frontiers in Plant Evolution and Development. 3: 1-5.

Lens A, Cooper L, Gandolfo M, Groover A, Jaiswal P, Lachenbrunch B, Spicer R, Stanton M, Stevenson D, Walls R, and Wegrzyn J (2012). An extension of the plant ontology project supporting wood anatomy and development research. IAWA Journal. 33(2): 113-117.

Du J, Miura E, Robischon M, Martinez C, and Groover A (2011). The Populus Class III HD ZIP transcription factor POPCORONA affects cell differentiation during secondary growth of woody stems. PLoS ONE 6(2): e17458.

Robischon M, Du J, Miura E, and Groover A (2011). The Populus Class III HD ZIP, popREVOLUTA, influences cambium initiation and patterning of woody stems. Plant Physiology. 155, 1214-11225.

Groover A, and Spicer R (2010). The evolution of development of vascular cambia and secondary growth. New Phytologist. 186: 577-592

Du J, and Groover A (2010). Transcriptional control of secondary growth and wood formation. J. Integrative Plant Biol. 52(1): 17-27.

Du J, Mansfield S, and Groover A (2009). The Populus Homeobox Gene ARBORKNOX2 Regulates Cell Differentiation During Secondary Growth. Plant Journal. 60: 1000-1014.

Groover A (2007). Will genomics guide a greener forest biotech? Trends in Plant Science, 12: 234-238.

Abzhanov A, Extavour C, Groover A, Hodges S, Hoekstra H, Kramer E, and Monteiro A (2008). Are we there yet? Tracking the development of new model systems. Trends in Genetics 24: 353-360.

A. Groover, S. Mansfield, S. DiFazio, G. Dupper, J. Fontana, R. Millar, and Y. Wang (2006). The Populus homeobox gene ARBORKNOX1 reveals overlapping mechanisms regulating the shoot apical meristem and the vascular cambium. Plant Mol Biol, 61: 917-932.

Tuskan GA, Difazio S, Jansson S, Bohlmann J, Grigoriev I, Hellsten U, Putnam N, Ralph S, Rombauts S, Salamov A, Schein J, Sterck L, Aerts A, Bhalerao RR, Bhalerao RP, Blaudez D, Boerjan W, Brun A, Brunner A, Busov V, Campbell M, Carlson J, Chalot M, Chapman J, Chen GL, Cooper D, Coutinho PM, Couturier J, Covert S, Cronk Q, Cunningham R, Davis J, Degroeve S, Dejardin A, Depamphilis C, Detter J, Dirks B, Dubchak I, Duplessis S, Ehlting J, Ellis B, Gendler K, Goodstein D, Gribskov M, Grimwood J, Groover A, Gunter L, Hamberger B, Heinze B, Helariutta Y, Henrissat B, Holligan D, Holt R, Huang W, Islam-Faridi N, Jones S, Jones-Rhoades M, Jorgensen R, Joshi C, Kangasjarvi J, Karlsson J, Kelleher C, Kirkpatrick R, Kirst M, Kohler A, Kalluri U, Larimer F, Leebens-Mack J, Leple JC, Locascio P, Lou Y, Lucas S, Martin F, Montanini B, Napoli C, Nelson DR, Nelson C, Nieminen K, Nilsson O, Pereda V, Peter G, Philippe R, Pilate G, Poliakov A, Razumovskaya J, Richardson P, Rinaldi C, Ritland K, Rouze P, Ryaboy D, Schmutz J, Schrader J, Segerman B, Shin H, Siddiqui A, Sterky F, Terry A, Tsai CJ, Uberbacher E, Unneberg P, Vahala J, Wall K, Wessler S, Yang G, Yin T, Douglas C, Marra M, Sandberg G, Van de Peer Y, Rokhsar D. (2006). The genome of black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray). Science, 15: 1596-1604.

A. Groover and M. Robischon (2006). Developmental mechanisms regulating secondary growth in woody plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 9: 55-58.

A. Groover (2005). What genes make a tree a tree? Trends Plant Sci. 10: 210-214.

A. Groover, J. Fontana, G. Dupper, C. Ma, R. Martienssen, S. Strauss, and R. Meilan (2004). Gene and enhancer trap tagging of vascular-expressed genes in poplar trees. Plant Physiol. 134: 1742-1751.

M. Byrne*, A. Groover*, F. Fontana, and R. Martienssen (2003). Phyllotactic pattern and stem cell fate are determined by the Arabidopsis Homeodomain protein BELLRINGER. Development in press (*shared first authorship)

A. Groover, J. Fontana, J Arroyo, C. Yordan, W McCombie, and R. Martienssen (2003). Secretion trap tagging of secreted and membrane-spanning proteins using Arabidopsis gene traps. Plant Physiol. 132, 698-708.

A. Groover and A. Jones (2003). IAA8 expression during vascular cell differentiation. Plant Mol. Biol. 51, 427-435.