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Mentoring Plan for Plant Biology Undergraduate Researchers
- What are student’s career goals?
- Mentor to give guidance and options for students
- What do lab head, and mentor hope to get out of student research project?
- Lab head and mentor could provide their mentoring philosophies to student
- Schedule of work hours
- Regular meetings with direct mentor (postdoc, grad student)
- Regular meetings with lab head
- Lab meeting and journal club attendance
- Written plan for project before it starts (short but clear)
- Focus on scientific questions, not just techniques
- Diversity: cultural and educational background of student taken into account
- Collect short biography from student
Outcomes and Assessment
- Ongoing assessment at every regular meeting.
- Written presentation
- To be read and graded by mentor and PI
- Research
- Statement of overall experience to be collected at the end of the internship
- Oral presentation e.g. lab journal club, or part of lab meeting
- Coaching before presentation
- Feedback after presentation
- Retreats and undergrad research conferences
- Plant Bio specific end-of-quarter poster session
- Exit meeting
- Did student and mentor meet initial goals?
- Provide constructive criticism
- Plan for future research
- Guidance about career decisions
How an internship can progress into a long-term commitment
- How will future careers build on the 1st quarter
- Different steps that lead to an independent research project
- Attend a scientific meeting